Experts say oil is running out, and we need to find alternatives for it fast! In the Gulf of Mexico, US oil companies have found oil deep in the ocean, but that compared with our annual consumtion is pennies. In the Middle East, we all know the Arabs are sitting on all the oil, but the instability of the region makes it hard to keep a steady flow of supply. A Chinese airliner, in all their mathematical wisdom, has calculated it takes a liter of fuel to flush the toilet at 30,000 feet in the air. They are urging customers to use the bathroom before boarding. But what if we could use that water in the toilet as our fuel. The fact is we can! We have the resources and supply (5 oceans), then why aren't we jumping for joy? The fact is until the oil has not completely run out, interest groups in Washington will continue to lobby against such measures. Oil is a very profitable industry, its scarcity makes it even more popular. So hurry, use the oil, so we can get to the water.
(Picture: Toilets (w/o paritions), see the power of the flush, picture it in your car)