Thursday, March 29, 2007

Political Cartoon

Here is a link to my original post on the No Child Left Behind Act. What do you think?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blog The Vote-Giuliani and Forbes

Ryan Sager has the whole story here. The Giuliani Campaign has been quiet for some time now. This deal with Forbes will help Giuliani a lot in the long run.

The connections that Steve Forbes has will help the campaign in the long run. He is fully integrated within the business world and this will help Giuliani achieve fundraising goals.

This is a significant endorsement that will help the Giuliani campaign

Spring Break: Congress goes to Cancun!

Just kidding, but that would be funny to see Chuck Hagel and Nancy Pelosi on MTV's Spring Break. The war spending bill that the President has vowed to veto is going to have to wait till Congress returns from Spring Break (Passover and Easter).

Congress will reconvene April 16, however the funds the President has asked for are desperately needed. As well Congress is no longer debating those funds they are debating the pork that was laid on thick.

The Politco says:

The White House doesn't intend to accept the IOU quietly, accusing the Democratic-controlled Congress of skipping town before its work is done.

"They should stick around until they send him a bill," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said. "You can be sure that we won't be shy about talking about that."

And I would agree Democrats realize that the money is needed with or without a withdrawal date. They need to stop delaying things, it is only crushing the American image more so than it already is.

Democrats: Would you like some spinach with your MK47?

I found this picture here. This is in reference to the war appropriations bill that is laden with pork. All I am saying is I understand why its done but this is a little ridiculous.The bill in the House is entitled the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act, a very patriotic title at that but the bill is nothing but.

Yes, all the bleeding heart liberals and anti-war people are excited cause it sets a date for withdrawal from Iraq. However, it makes a mockery of American politics.

The bill is for $124 billion dollars. $96 billion is going to the troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the question on my mind is where is the other $28 billion going.

I will tell you, the other $28 billion was things added on to the bill in order for House Democrats to get enough votes to pass the bill, by the slimmest majority ever.

The Politico created a Top-10 List of add-ons, read the entire bill if you would like.
--$165,200 to the widow of Rep. Charles Norwood (R-Ga.), a promoter of patients’ rights legislation who died of cancer and lung disease in February, three months after he was reelected.

--$4 million for the Office of Women's Health at the Food and Drug Administration.

--$5 million for tropical fish breeders and transporters for losses from a virus last year.

--$25 million for spinach that growers and handlers were unable to market, up to 75 percent of their losses.

--$50 million “for asbestos abatement and other improvements” to the Capitol Power Plant.

--$60.4 million for the National Marine Fisheries Service, “to be distributed among fishing communities, Indian tribes, individuals, small businesses, including fishermen, fish processors, and related businesses, and other persons for assistance to mitigate the economic and other social effects caused by” a commercial fishery failure.

--$74 million “for the payment of storage, handling, and other associated costs for the 2007 crop of peanuts to ensure proper storage of peanuts for which a loan is made.”

--$120 million for the shrimp and menhaden fishing industries to cover consequences of Hurricane Katrina.

--$283 million for the Milk Income Loss Contract Program.

--$400 million for “wildland fire suppression.”

To me all the add-ons are ridiculous, the President has said he will veto the bill because of the withdrawal date. All the Democrats are doing is delaying funds to our troops. The fact is the bill should have been passed without a withdrawal date, you may not like President Bush but he is right when he says if you set a date for withdrawal all the terrorist will hide in their caves till we leave and then come out and take over. You may say that is not our problem, but it is.

What do you think?

Iran Hostage Situation

The Iranian Foreign Minister said that the 1 female British soldier could be release as early as today or early Thursday.

Earlier British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett announced that the UK would freeze all bilateral business with Tehran until the all sailors and marines are released.

Britain says Iran's detention of the eight Royal Navy sailors and seven Royal Marines, who were conducting a routine inspection of a merchant vessel at the northern end of the Persian Gulf, is illegal and is demanding their release. Iran insists the group was inside its territorial waters. Read more here.

I think that the British are doing to little to deal with the situation, in all seriousness if these would have been American troops, we would probably be working harder diplomatically then the British are. I also feel that President Bush may have decided to use some force to pressure Iran to give them up. What ever the case if this issue is not resolved shortly, we could see World War III in our generation. Why do I say this, Iranian President Amadinejad has declared he wants to destroy the western world, the United States and Israel in particular. If war broke out between Britain, Americas closest ally and Iran, we will see a third front ofthe "War on Terror."

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Blog The Vote-Vilsack Endorses Hillary

“There is no candidate for president who will do a better job of creating a stronger and better America for your children than Hillary Clinton,” Vilsack said at Clinton’s side in Des Moines.

As predicted over the weekend Tom Vilsack, former Presidential candidate has endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton as well he will serve as her campaigns co-chairman.

I think Vilsack may become Clinton Vice President.

What do you think?

Interested in other endorsments, click here.

U.N. New Sanctions on Iran

Over the week the U.N. Security Council, decided unanimously to impose new stricter sanctions on Iran. The resolution would freeze the assets of 28 additional individuals and organizations involved in Iran's nuclear and missile programs. About a third of those are linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, an elite military corps.

The resolution also calls for a voluntary travel embargo on Iranian officials and Revolutionary Guard commanders.

President Ahmadinejad, responded to the new sanctions over the weekend. Ahmadinejad, in an interview with France's Channel 2 TV network, warned nations "seeking to impose sanctions against Iran will suffer a greater damage themselves," IRNA reported.

I agree with the new U.N. Sanctions, the international community needs to use a strong hand when dealing with Iran. They are a threat to international security, that must be dealt with accordingly. I believe we should not use military force for as long as possible, however that may become necessary. It will only work though, if it is a multi-lateral force, and not just an American force.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Blog The Vote- Monday Vilsack to announce...

Tom Vilsack, dropped out of the Presidential race in February however he still holds some power in the Presidential campaign. Who will he endorse?

On Monday Vilsack is expected to make an announcement. Earlier this week the Associated Press reported that Vilsack is likely to endorse Sen. Hillary Clinton.

What will his endorsement mean?

KCCI political analyst Dennis Goldford said it's possible that it will."The 300,000 people who said they'd caucus for him in 2008 may well take that into consideration as they decide where else to go," said Goldford.

I have to agree any former Presidential candidate will hold a lot of clout in the race. Vilsack garnered some significant support early in the campaign season and still holds all those supporters in his back-pocket.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Republicans keep Control

I love reading other bloggers and I just read this great article, about why the Republican minority is still able to control the floor of the House.

I think it shows how strong of a party they were and still continue to be dispite the low approval ratings of the President. They were in control for over a decade and now once placed on the opposite side of the table, they are still trying to stay on top.

Read the article and tell me what you think?

House passes Iraq Bill

The Hill reports that by slim victory (218-212) the House passed a bill that forces the President to bring the troos home by August 2008 or earlier.
The wording was worked into a $124 billion appropriations bill that would fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is the Democrats strongest stand against the presidents Iraq policy.
The White House has already said it will veto the legislation.
I would agree with the veto, setting a specific date is asking for trouble. I have said in an earlier post that if we set a date for withdrawal, we will see an end of violence until we leave. Once we leave an all-out civil war would break out.
Update 2:17 pm: President Bush responded to the House vote a short while ago. "A narrow majority in the House of Representatives abdicated its responsibility by passing a war spending bill that has no chance of becoming law and brings us no closer to getting the troops the resoures they need to do their job," the president said. I agree with the President the show the democrats continue to put on is hurting the soldiers and not helping to bring an end to the war.
What do you think?

Anti-war protesters arrested at Pelosi’s office

Four members of the anti-war group Code Pink were arrested outside the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Thursday afternoon, following an announcement that they would seek to take over the office.

The group’s members had planned to hold a symbolic “Pin the war on the Donkey” demonstration at Pelosi’s office to show their frustration with the Democratic leadership’s inaction on ending the war in Iraq.

However, Capitol Police prevented the taping of a drawn donkey to the wall.

Code Pink members were crying outside Pelosi’s office. When asked why, Rae Abileah, 24, said she was crying out of “outrage that this is all we can get from the Democrats,” referring to the Iraq supplemental funding bill, scheduled for a vote Friday.

“We’re just heartbroken that Nancy Pelosi has decided to keep funding George Bush’s war, and now the war belongs to the Democrats as well as the Republicans,” said Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin. “We thought we were going to get a change when they came into power.”

I have been saying this since the blog opened its doors following the 2006 mid-term elections. Anybody who thinks or thought, that once the Democrats took control of congress we would see an automatic withdrawal from Iraq, is crazy. Furthermore any one who says money is the answer to end this war is also crazy. The only answer to this war is success, and that may take longer than anybody expects however we must achieve it and I applaud the democratic leadership for standing strong against those in their party who would like to use the power of the purse to get the troops home, that would make America look more divided then ever.

What do you think?

Blog The Clinton: 'It's just not fare', reports today about a conference call former President Bill Clinton had with several of his wife supporters.

Sen. Hillary Clinton is trying to combat Sen. Barack Obama, that "anti-war candidate."

Former President Bill Clinton yesterday complained that “it’s just not fair” the way his wife is being depicted for her controversial Iraq war vote. Read more here.

I do not believe that either candidate should be considered anti-war. Sen. Obama has taken a strong stance against the war in Iraq however he has not said he is against war all together. Putting my personal political beliefs aside I feel that putting either them up against either of the two Republican front runners and Democrats wont see a victory in 2008. The Democrats won in 2006 because the found central moderate candidate. Sen. Obama is to far to the left and Sen. Clinton is considered by many to be a hawk, both of which are extremes within the party.

What do you think?

Gates wanted to close Gitmo

According to a story by the NY Times, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates argued to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.

He has argued that an legal proceedings held at the facility would look illegitimate. He told President Bush and others that it should be shut down as quickly as possible.

Mr. Gates’s appeal was an effort to turn Mr. Bush’s publicly stated desire to close Guantánamo into a specific plan for action, the officials said. In particular, Mr. Gates urged that trials of terrorism suspects be moved to the United States, both to make them more credible and because Guantánamo’s continued existence hampered the broader war effort, administration officials said.

The article sites that both U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and Vice President Cheney both opposed the plan.

Personally I think it would be helpful for the U.S. to close Gitmo. It has created a tainted view of the way America treats prisoners of war. Trying those held at the facility in the United States, would probably stream line the process. It has taken years to accomplish the trials in Cuba and now we may be able to complete the trials or at least start it.

What do you think?

Gonzalez: You're fired!

House may pass Iraq Funding bill

The House of Representatives looks set to pass a bill that would establish "readiness standards for the deployment of combat forces and an Aug. 31, 2008, deadline for their removal from Iraq," writes the Washington Post. The breakthrough came last night when leaders of the antiwar Out of Iraq Caucus pledged not to block the Nancy Pelosi-led measure. But CNN says that, despite the pledge, the House leadership may still be a few votes short of the 218 needed.

I am very skeptical of this bill as it outlines a deadline for withdrawal. I think the President is correct when he says if we announce an official deadline, terrorists are smart enough to let things subside until that deadline approaches. Then once it hits and the U.S. is gone, they can pick up their activities with no struggle at all.

The other reason I do not like the plan is because it is happening 3 months before the president election and I think their is some sort of democrat ulterior motive.

What do you think?

Blog The Vote- John Edwards Continues the Campaign

Despite the return of his wifes illness, John Edwards has announced that he plans to stays on the campaign. "The campaign goes on. The campaign goes on strongly," Edwards told reporters, his wife by his side.

It will be interesting to see, how is wifes progressing cancer play out along the campaign trail. I believe, depending on how fast it progresses, it could become an issue for the campaign. Edwards will want to be by his wife side, and we could potentially see him dropping out of the race in the next several months.

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Partisan Fishing Expedition

As Karl Rove and other top administration officials are being subpoenaed, I tend to look at the political motives of the Democrats in office.

I feel as if I agree with the congress as they assert their power over the President. The 2006 mid-term election did give them the power to do so. However I think that they are trying to look for things to complain about.

I think President Bush's offer, to allow administration officials to be interviewed behind closed doors and not on tape was a satisfactory offer.

The Associated Press says, Bush had sought to avoid the "media spectacle" that would result from public hearings with Rove and others at the witness table.

I happen to agree with the President that the Democrats in some ways are trying to make the Republican party look worse then they already do.

"The question they've got to ask themselves is, are you more interested in a political spectacle than getting the truth?" Tony Snow said Tuesday, I agree with the position the White House has taken on this issue.

I also agree that the U.S. Congress has the right to do its job by performing oversight over the administration, however they are going about it in the wrong way.

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Slate Magazine

Salt Lake City Mayor calls for Bush Impeachment

Read the full story here.

My view on the impeachment of a President especially this President is that one needs to look beyond today. What I mean is that if we impeach President Bush we will then have President Cheney, who may be worse.

The main issue I have with the impeachment process is that it clearly is a waste of time, energy, and tax-dollars. Congress will spend weeks on this issue rather than focusing on issues that are really going to make a difference.

Impeaching a President who was fairly elected by the people of this country in 2004, in my opinion makes America look weak and unstable.

I have taken a moment to remember what it was like during the process for President Clinton. All I can remember is Anna Nicole (R.I.P) type coverage, this over hyped, MTV style coverage of something that is not going to do anything to change Americas future. It would only help take the focus of the American people away from more important issues, like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

People who say "if George Bush lost in 2004 we would be out of Iraq," first off you cant make a claim like that because it neither true nor false. As well even if an anti-war candidate is elected in 2008, we will only see a change in strategy not a complete withdrawal. This is not a war America and the world can afford to lose.

What do you think?

Blog The Vote- Obama anti-Hillary You Tube Video

Sen. Barack Obama denied involvement last night on Larry King Live when asked about a video posted on the popular website You Tube, about Sen. Hillary Clinton.

"We knew nothing about it. I just saw it for the first time," Obama said to Larry King "And you know one of the things about the Internet is that people generate all kinds of stuff. In some ways it's the democratization of the campaign process."

To me the video does not look like a campaign advertisement, rather it looks like someone had to much time on their hands. The video can be seen here.

Update 7:43 am Chris Cillizza at The Fix, blogs about the impact of the technology in Presidential elections, here
The YouTube Effect (Part XIII).

Monday, March 19, 2007

Blog The Vote- Obama and Israel

Ben Smith over at the Politco wrote a good article Obama's Rhetoric Chills Some Supporters of Israel.

I think Sen. Obama needs to begin to start working on his wording of what he says. According to his voting record, Sen. Obama has always supported the American-Israel strategic alliance.

I do believe however he needs start thinking about what he says, the pro-Israel community is a strong voting body as well as a strong financial group and most candidates would not like to lose that support. As well if a candidate loses the support of the pro-Israel community, it is likely to lead to the loss of the majority of the Jewish community.

Obama's comments, including "nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people" as a result of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, in the Des Moines Register. Have really hurt the senator, he needs to begin recognizing the fact that the citizens of Israel are not living in peace and prosperity. Those in the north continue to rebuild, after thousand of rockets destroyed homes that were standing centuries, citizen riding buses to work continue to question if they will make it home at the end of the day.

Anybody who can confidently say that the Palestinian people are suffering more than Israeli is blind to the facts. Both groups are not gaining from this conflict they are both suffering. The problem is that the suffering of the Palestinians is due to the Palestinian government lack of control of its own people.

You cannot blame Israel for the fact that millions of dollars in aide was held back by Yassar Arafat from his own people. The Palestinian government has kept their people in "refugee" camps since the state of Israel was created because it make them look like victims. They are no longer victims. Keeping them in refugee camps enables the Palestinian Authority to continue to blame Israel for the problems of the Palestinian people.

Billion of dollars in foreign aide continues to be kept from the Palestinian government in order to get them to stop working with terrorists groups, like Hamas. The new "unity" government is not going to do anything. Any government that includes a terrorist group, or calls for the destruction of another sovereign state, should not receive aide from other nations.

What do you think?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

American Israel Public Affairs Committee- On my way to the hill!

Reuben Ingber, Joe Lieberman, Mrs. Lieberman

Reuben Ingber on the AIPAC Stage

Brian Tregerman (Albany Student), Sen. Joe Biden, Reuben

Sen. Sam Brownback, Reuben Ingber

Reuben Ingber on the hill

Blog The Vote- Candidates Woo Firefighters

Yesterday, Sen. Clinton, Sen. Obama, Sen. Biden, and Dodd all spoke to firefighters at the International Association of Fire Fighters(IAFF), Presidential forum.

Both Sen. Clinton and Obama were well received, however the tier two candidates, Biden and Dodd were the stars of this show. Biden and Dodd spoke the language of the over 1,000 white-male attendees, according to one union official they spoke in "red-meat and a six-pack" rhetoric.

Over the weekend, I was able to meet Joe Biden, and I think as second tier candidate I believe he may have a shot if he can fundraise his way to the top tier. He has a lot of great ideas and great passion as a Presidential candidate.

It is important to see that the core of American voters are white-males and that I think will play a very big role. Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are both candidates that I do not think most white males will continue to open up to. They may look to other candidates like John Edwards and Joe Biden.

Friday, March 09, 2007

House Legislation Comes With a Catch

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D - Calif.) and gang have come up with a plan to pay for Iraq, which includes a plan to bring the troops back home. The White House has already exclaimed that they will veto this legislation even through it grants President Bush the much needed funding he has asked for Iraq. Sticking to his guns, the President will not allow Congress to set a timetable for Iraq. Supporters of the notion say it will cause failure in Iraq, and that simply will be a win for the terrorists.

The Democrats know very well that it will be close to impossible to override a veto with their slim majority in the Senate. Then why do they continuously waste time on bills they know will be vetoed? To make a point? Certainly, now they'll have a track record to show their support to bring troops back in time for the 2008 elections. As a wise man once told me, the job of an elected official, is to get elected.

Waste of time? Or are they sincerely working for the best interests of the people?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dear Readers,

It has been a very difficult week at school and that is why I have not been posting. However this weekend I will be back in business, reporting live from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference in Washington. There will be pictures and hopefully interviews with several people who are attending the conference.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Blog the Vote - Don't Forget the Hispanics

Just this past weekend Presidential Candidates Barack Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) paid homage to civil rights activists in Selma, Alabama. Trying to garner what has been a tug-of-war for the black vote, these democratic candidates are forgetting another essential group - the Papi's. As you may have heard, the Hispanic population in the US has surpassed the black population. Then why are these candidates still fighting for the black votes? Both groups have similar turnouts at presidential elections. The next presidential election may be even more motivating for the Hispanics with the issue of immigration still on the table that may result in a higher turnout.

Democratic Presidential Candidate Bill Richardson, the only candidate with ties to a Hispanic background, has managed to keep a low profile thus-far. But his popularity may only grow over time. Remember, the past few elections have shown how the front-runners, come election time are no longer in the running.
Do you think it's critical to focus on the hispanic vote?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blog The Vote- Giuliani appointed Democratic Judges

The Politico Reports:

When Rudy Giuliani faces Republicans concerned about his support of gay rights and legal abortion, he reassures them that he is a conservative on the decisions that matter most.

"I would want judges who are strict constructionists because I am," he told South Carolina Republicans last month. "Those are the kinds of justices I would appoint -- Scalia, Alito and Roberts."

But most of Giuliani's judicial appointments during his eight years as mayor of New York were hardly in the model of Chief Justice John Roberts or Samuel Alito -- much less aggressive conservatives in the mold of Antonin Scalia.

I do not believe that Giuliani will ever be able to use his resume as a way to back his candidacy for the Republican nomination. Being a republican in New York is basically like being a Democrat across the rest of the country. Giuliani will never fit the national Republican-Conservative mold, and in order to win in a primary you need to fit that mold.

Political Cartoon-"The Worlds Local Bank"

This cartoon reminds of my issue with HSBC, a bank which calls itself "The Worlds Local Bank." At the "worlds local bank," I expect to get my answers from someone locally who can speak English well, I no I am not perfect when it comes to grammar. However, I am fully able to hold a conversation without stumbling. When I call the "worlds local bank," I ask myself why can't I speak to someone who is capable of speaking proper english?

People claim that they do this in order to provide 24-hour support, in order to account for the time difference. Well, why can't I speak to an American between the hours of 8 am to 8 pm.

What do you think?

Blog The Vote- McCain Announces Presidential Bid Update

12:02 AM--Senator McCain has officially announced his bid for President on David Letterman. A more formal announcement will happen on his tour in April.

As you all know, I do in deed support the Senator and would like to hear your opinion on the Senators presidential bid.

A video will be posted shortly.

Blog The Vote- McCain Announces Presidential Bid Update

12:02 AM--Senator McCain has officially announced his bid for President on David Letterman. A more formal announcement will happen on his tour in April.

As you all know, I do in deed support the Senator and would like to hear your opinion on the Senators presidential bid.