Saturday, December 30, 2006
Hussein Execution Video
Friday, December 29, 2006
Saddam Hussein Executed
It is expected for their to be an increase in violence.
Many Iraqi are awaiting proof (pictures/video), to be released. Bursts of celebratory gun-fire have been heard coming from the capitol.
11:04PM: CNN's Anderson Cooper reports that a witness to the hanging said their was dancing and celebratory chants following the execution.
Unconfirmed Reports of Saddam Hussein's execution
CNN Reports: Hussein will be hanged "in the next couple of hours"
"Giovanni di Stefano, one of Hussein's defense attorneys, told CNN the U.S. military officially informed him that the former Iraqi dictator has been transferred to Iraqi authorities for his execution and that a "credible source" told him Hussein will be executed "very shortly -- in the next couple of hours."But attorneys for Hussein are seeking a temporary restraining order in a U.S. court to block the former Iraqi leader's execution."This could very well be delaying the execution, however the Iraqi government is hoping for this to happen swiftly and securely, U.S. forces are hoping for that as well. Any delay could cause an increase in the heightened violence. The U.S. forces in Iraq have been on high alert for the latter part of the week.
AP Reports Saddam to be executed tonight.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Blog The Vote-Obama and Clinton Tied in NH
Talk about leveling the playing field: Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois has pulled a statistical tie in a hypothetical contest with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York among likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire, traditional site of the first presidential primary elections. Read More
Blog The Vote-Edwards '08 It's Official!
Former North Carolina senator John Edwards officially jumped into the 2008 presidential race this morning in this flood-ravaged city, sounding a populist call for citizen action to reduce the U.S. troop presence in Iraq, combat poverty and global warming and help restore America's moral leadership in the world."I'm here to announce I'm a candidate for president of the United States," Edwards told NBC's "Today Show" shortly after 7 a.m. Thursday. "I've reached my own conclusion this is the best way to serve my country."
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Statements About Gerald Ford
“A man of great moral character and patriotism, he led our country during a time of great distress, and saw us safely through our troubles with grace and courage. In one of the most generous and selfless acts by a political leader in modern times, he sacrificed his own ambitions to help move our country beyond the divisions and disillusionment caused by Watergate and a lost war, and restore our trust in our governing institutions." Read More
"President Ford was a great man who devoted the best years of his life in serving the United States. He was a true gentleman who reflected the best in America's character. Before the world knew his name, he served with distinction in the United States Navy and in the United States Congress." Read more
Blog The Vote-John Edwards to Announce a Run for Nomination
Former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina, the losing Democratic vice presidential candidate two years ago, will announce tomorrow that he is seeking the party's nomination for president in 2008, a spokeswoman said.
Edwards will make the announcement in New Orleans in front of a house that was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. He spent time today helping volunteers fix up the home's backyard.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Foreign Policy Experience Cuts Obama, Clinton and Giuliani from Presidential Hopefuls
It won't help Obama's case that President Bush's lack of foreign policy experience prior to assuming the office, coupled with his post-9/11 foreign policy, could keep us in Iraq another decade.
Strange as it may seem, the importance placed on Obama's foreign policy experience, or lack thereof, may depend on how the president fares in the next 24 months. In the unlikely scenario that Iraq becomes stabilized, the importance of one's foreign policy credentials may not be as important as they appear now.
If, however, things remain the same or worse in Iraq, the American people may not want to gamble again on a foreign policy novice.
If it is a matter of who has held the most impressive foreign policy positions, then we might conclude that of the prospective presidential candidates, former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Joe Biden, D-Del., along with New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson lead the list. This would not only leave out Obama, but also Sen. Hilary Clinton, D-N.Y., and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
In addition to her six years in the senate, Sen. Clinton wouldundoubtedly include her eight years in the White House as first lady. While Giuliani would obviously promote 9/11, he will likely remind voters that being mayor of New York called for him to work with the United Nations and Wall Street, as well as host foreign dignitaries. Read More
Friday, December 22, 2006
Blog The Vote- "Rudy will keep us safe" has an interesting summary of the poll standings for the Republican nomination in 2008. It makes the point, largely overlooked by political writers of all stripes, that Rudy Giuliani has been leading John McCain in the large majority of polls, albeit usually by narrow margins. Political writers seem to be assuming that Giuliani can't win the Republican nomination because of his liberal stands on cultural issues. I have disagreed for some time. Yes, Giuliani's stands on these issues are a liability in Republican primaries. But they could be trumped by the very strong positive feelings people have had about his performance on and after September 11.
That's what talk show host and law professor Hugh Hewitt found when he polled an audience of Republican women in Temecula, Calif., back in 2005. Hewitt asked one of the women why she could support Giuliani when he disagreed with her on cultural issues.
"All that won't matter if we're attacked," she said. "Rudy will keep us safe."
Blog The Vote-Giuliani can Win Over Conservatives.
Blog the Vote-Potential Profile: John McCain
Two important qualities necessary for a run to the Oval Office are decisiveness and strength of character. In recent weeks, Senator McCain has proven that he has more stock in these traits than most any public official today.
As American fortunes in the battle of Iraq have deteriorated, the senator has forcefully elevated the policy debate by fearlessly offering unpopular advice on how to turn the tide toward victory. In fact, Mr. McCain is several steps ahead of nearly everyone on the subject of this war. At his recent news conference, President Bush said America should expand the size of its armed forces, especially the Army and Marine Corps. Mr. McCain has been saying this for years. President Bush and his high command are now mulling a possible troop-force surge in Iraq. Mr. McCain has been advocating this for quite some time. Read more
Blog The Vote-Michael Steele Wants to Help the GOP
Steele has been speaking with party members who have been considering a run for the White House in 2008.
Steele tells The Washington Times that he wants to serve as a consultant in the upcoming presidential election cycle. He says he's spoken with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Arizona Senator John McCain and other potential G-O-P candidates.
Steele says he wants to help Republican leaders make the party relevant for the black community. Steele says relations between blacks and the G-O-P have been strained for 40 years.
Steele lost Maryland's open Senate race to Congressman Ben Cardin, but he tells The Times he might be interested in running for governor in 2010.
Blog The Vote-Romney & Abortion
Gov. Mitt Romney was in Manchester (New Hampshire) today where he faced questions about his changing views on abortion and gay rights.
Romney, who's considering a potential presidential run, campaigned for governor as an abortion-rights supporter but has since changed his mind. His views also have grown more conservative on issues involving gays but Romney says he's been consistent in opposing gay marriage.Romney says he changed his mind on abortion two years ago after learning more about embryonic stem-cell research and learning that some cells were discarded or destroyed.He said he felt that cheapened life and placed this country on a dangerous road.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Blog The Vote-Clinton and Iraq
She also offered, on Fox News the broadest indication yet that she was close to a decision on whether to enter the 2008 Democratic presidential field.
Blog The Vote-Edwards Heads to Iowa
Edwards, who ran for the 2004 presidential nomination before accepting the vice presidential nomination, is weighing a second White House bid and planned to announce his candidacy before the end of the year, according to press reports.
Edwards plans to hold his Iowa event at 5 p.m. at the Iowa Historical Building, 600 E. Locust St.
Iowa is scheduled to host the lead-off presidential caucuses for the 2008 presidential nomination in 2008.
Blog The Vote-Obama Gathers Support
Blog the Vote-Who is Mitt Romney? Reports:
As he prepares for a 2008 presidential campaign, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) has championed the conservative principles that guided President Ronald Reagan, become an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage and supported overturning the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
It was not always so. Twelve years ago, Romney boasted that he would be more effective in fighting discrimination against gay men and lesbians than Sen Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), distanced himself from some conservative policies of the Reagan administration, and proudly recalled his family's record in support of abortion rights.
The apparent gulf between the candidate who ran for the Senate in 1994 and the one getting ready to run for president has raised questions as to who is the real Mitt Romney. Is he the self-described moderate who unsuccessfully challenged Kennedy in the year of the Republican landslide, the self-described conservative now ready to bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, or merely an ambitious and adaptable politician? The answer could be crucial to Romney's presidential ambitions. Read more
Blog the Vote-Giuliani A Man for America
Pim Fortuyn, you may recall, was the gay, flamboyant sociology professor turned "right-wing" Dutch politician who took a hard-line position against immigration and Islamic extremism — two issues inextricably linked in a country where whole communities have become enclaves of Sharia law. Fortuyn was labeled as right wing by identity-politics leftists for his unapologetic view that the Netherlands should stay both liberal and libertine.
The United States is not the Netherlands, and Rudy Giuliani is no Pim Fortuyn in his personal life. But Giuliani is still a social liberal, as Americans define the term these days. He's for same-sex unions, though not gay marriage. He's pro-choice. A Catholic, he's been married three times. His first marriage was annulled on dubious grounds — he suddenly discovered his wife was his second cousin. And his second marriage ended in a tabloid divorce of biblical proportions. Giuliani also has a decidedly liberal record on immigration; how could a mayor of New York not?
But Giuliani was considered a raging right-winger as mayor. No doubt this had a lot to do with the fact that the city's political center is so far to the left. But there was a lot more to Giuliani's philosophy. When I grew up in New York in the 1970s and 1980s, the job of mayor was, essentially, to manage the city's decline. Crime was not only seen as permanent, some on the left even tried to rationalize it as part of the city's charm.
By the time Giuliani arrived, social chaos was seen as the natural order of things. Giuliani heroically challenged these assumptions on almost all fronts. He and his first police commissioner, William J. Bratton (now chief of the LAPD), refused to accept that mere containment was the best that crime fighters could hope for.
Blog The Vote-We "Never had a mother"
Appearing on "The View" to push the 10th anniversary reissue of her book "It Takes a Village," Clinton chatted about family Christmas and raising kids these days.
The former first lady noted, "We've never had a mother who ever ran for or held that position."
Clinton also acknowledged that the concept of electing a woman president is "such a leap of faith."
The senator, considered the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, raised the issue after admitting this week she didn't know if the country was ready for a female president, but added, "We need to try."
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Bush to set new course in Iraq=More Troops.
![]( Reports:
President Bush asked his new secretary of defense to draw up plans to increase the overall size of the Army and the Marines, according to an interview with the president published Tuesday in the Washington Post."I'm inclined to believe that we do need to increase our troops -- the Army, the Marines," Bush said. "And I talked about this to Secretary Gates and he is going to spend some time talking to the folks in the building, come back with a recommendation to me about how to proceed forward on this idea."
Senior administration officials said the timing of the president's comments is connected with Washington's oncoming budget season, and that the president intends for such plans to be part of the fiscal 2008 budget.
What do you think of the Presidents new idea to send more troops into Iraq, a war which many believe we have already lost?
Blog The Vote-John Edwards Starts His Race to the White House
Edwards is slated to hit four early presidential nominating states--Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, and South Carolina--on a tour that will take place between Christmas and New Year's. During the course of the announcement tour, Edwards will unveil his revamped domestic agenda, which has been characterized as "more openly progressive."
Iowa is likely to be an early indicator for the viability of the Edwards campaign, as he made a strong showing there in 2004. Currently, polling among Iowa Democrats puts Edwards at 36%, more than double the support for Clinton (16%) and Obama (13%).
Blog The Vote-Giuliani is Stepping Up
His national poll numbers are a dream, he's a major box office draw on the Republican Party circuit, and he goes by the shorthand title "America's Mayor." All of which has former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani convinced he just might become America's president in 2008.
He is showing the early signs of a serious candidacy: Giuliani's presidential exploratory committee throws its first major fundraiser in a hotel near Times Square on Tuesday evening, and he recently hired the political director of the Republican National Committee during 2006. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released last week found that Republicans give Giuliani an early lead over Senator John McCain of Arizona, who is far ahead of the former mayor in organizing a national campaign.
Despite that lead, conservative party strategists and activists in key primary states are skeptical and warn that the socially liberal Republican faces a difficult campaign. They question whether a Republican who has had one marriage end in annulment and another in divorce, and favors abortion rights, gun control and immigrant rights, has much retail appeal in the evangelical and deeply conservative reaches of the GOP.
Blog The Vote-Who is Tom Vilsack?
Here are a few things to know. Vilsack is retiring voluntarily this month after serving for eight years as governor of Iowa. He was born into an orphanage, was adopted by a blue-collar couple in Pittsburgh, saw his mother battle for years against drug and booze addictions, was raised by a single father and eventually saw his mother, strengthened by religion, return to the family and to health.
After college and law school, he moved to his wife's hometown of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, practiced law with his father-in-law, was elected mayor, then state senator and finally governor, each time against favored opponents.
As governor, Vilsack has followed the Clinton model. He has pressed a progressive agenda, emphasizing education, health care, energy conservation and economic development. Like Clinton, he was a leader in the bipartisan National Governors Association and was trusted by colleagues of both parties.
Blog The Vote-Poll Busters
In a contest pitting Rodham Clinton against Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the Democrat holds a six-point advantage.
Blog The Vote-John McCain
He is the Republican front runner and has already began filling a political war chest which is expected to rival the 2000 and 2004 Bush-Cheney Campaign. He is gathering a number of President Bush's donors and building upon them. He plans to have raised $25 million by June 2007, and $50 million by November 2007. He will stage his election headquarters in Washington, DC and will have several offices around the nation in key states and his home state of Arizona.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Blog the Vote - What about John Edwards?
Blog The Vote-Giuliani Makes His Move
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is making moves that suggest a 2008 presidential bid is more than just a thought, the New York Post reported Monday.
Last month, Giuliani, a Republican, filed papers to create an exploratory committee for a presidential campaign, and Tuesday night he will hold his first fundraising dinner in New York. Read more here.
Blog The Vote-McCain Builds his team.
As John McCain begins to pursue a run for President, he has built an excellent team of supporters to his exploratory committee. He said Wednesday that Kathleen Shanahan will serve on his national strategy team for his all-but-certain 2008 presidential run.
Shanahan previously served as chief of staff to outgoing Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and is vice chairwoman of Florida Gov.-elect Charlie Crist's transition team. She also served as chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, special assistant to George H.W. Bush when he was vice president and staff assistant to President Ronald Reagan's National Security Council.
Blog The Vote-Americans are ready for an African American President?
A Newsweek poll finds 86 percent of registered voters say they would back a qualified woman nominated by their party. For a black person, 93 percent say they would be willing to back the candidate.
The survey also found Americans think their fellow citizens still are a bit reluctant to elect either. Only 55 percent say the U.S. is ready to elect a woman; 56 percent say they can see the country selecting an African-American.
Sen. Bill Frist won't run for President
Gore and Obama
Blog The Vote-McCain
Speaking to reporters in Kabul Saturday morning U.S. Senator John McCain said NATO's European members need to accept responsibility for combat operations in the war-torn country.
"Its very important that the other countries represented here remove their national caveats which restraint the ability of their military to perform and makes it extremely difficult for our NATO commanders to call on them for assistance when needed in combat zones, especially in the south," added McCain.
Americans everywhere have said we need to retreat into a state of diplomacy and McCain is listening.
Blog The Vote- Newt Gingrich waits till Labor Day.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich announced that he would wait till next Labor Day to make a final decision about his possible Presidential run. He is waiting to see what his rivals, like McCain, Guilliani, and Romney do over the next year. If one of them seals the deal he says he will have no reason to run. "If one of them seals it off by Labor Day, my announcing now wouldn't make any difference anyway," Gingrich said. "If none of the three, having from now 'til Labor Day, can seal it off, the first real vote is in 2008. And there's plenty of time in the age of television and e-mail, between Labor Day and 2008."
Blog The Vote-Hillary is on her way towards a decision.
Sen. Hillary Clinton is close to a making a decision about her possible run for president.
On NBC's "Today Show" Clinton said:"I want to make sure the decision is right for me, my family, my party and my country," Clinton said.
The former first lady said she knew more than any other potential candidate how hard it was to be president. "I saw it in an up close and personal way for eight years," she said.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Blog the Vote-Barack Obama TV Ad
Saturday, December 16, 2006
NEW-Blog the Vote
It is very important as we move closer to November 2008 to pay attention to the day-to-day operation of the candidates, in order to make an informed decision on election day.
Time Magazine-Person of the Year
Time Magazine tonight announced their Person of the Year. Its You. Its me, its everyone who is apart of the Internet Generation. Blogs,,,, and so much more, are a testament to the generation of personal journalism. Ordinary people spreading t
Check out what Reuters had to say about the Time Person of the Year.
Look I am even on the cover of Time Magazine. (Disclaimer: This was a special edition cover made just by me and is not available on news stands.)
New Features Added Over the Weekend
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Illegal Immigrants Build Fence to Keep Out Illegals
After Border Standoff, Hamas Leader Enters Gaza
Reuters Reports:
Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh crossed into Gaza on Thursday, leaving behind money donated by Muslim states, hours after Israel blocked the Hamas leader from returning from a fund-raising tour with $35 million.
The test of wills along the Egyptian frontier racheted up tensions in the Gaza Strip, where a political showdown between Hamas and the rival Fatah movement of moderate President Mahmoud Abbas has boiled over in recent days into a series of killings.Palestinian officials and Western diplomats said Haniyeh had planned to enter the impoverished Gaza Strip from Egypt through the Rafah border crossing with $35 million of cash in suitcases.
But Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz ordered the crossing closed and European monitors left the area, keeping Haniyeh cooling his heels for hours on the Egyptian side.
Late in the evening, a member of Haniyeh's delegation said the prime minister had crossed into the Palestinian terminal at Rafah. Hamas sources said the money had stayed in Egypt with two delegation officials who would sort out what to do with it.
In the past two weeks, Haniyeh visited countries including Iran, Qatar and Sudan to raise money for his government, which has struggled to function despite international sanctions imposed after Hamas's election win in January.
Israel, the United States and the European Union regard Hamas, which is sworn to Israel's destruction, as a terrorist organization, and imposed sanctions after the Islamist group rejected their demands to recognize the Jewish state, renounce violence and accept existing interim peace accords.
Republicans can take back control of the Senate
Johnson is being treated at George Washington University Hospital, about two miles from the U.S. Capitol where the lawmaker is set to become part of a slim Democratic majority in the Senate next month.
Currently the U.S. Senate is held in a delicate balance (51 Democrats-49 Republicans), if something drastic happens (i.e. resignation or death), they will be a 49-49 split in the Senate and Vice President Dick Cheney would hold the tie-breaker vote. Although this hypothetical situations if this does happen the next 2 years will be forever changed again. I will continue to give updates throughout the evening.
Election 2008 Update
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Democrat Ignores State Department
![]( reports that,
In a direct affront to the Bush administration, a Democratic senator spent an hour Wednesday with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus, asking him to do more to stabilize Iraq.
This shows that the next 2 years will be very interesting. How cooperative will the new Democraticly controlled Congress be? I think that both sides, the executive and legislative branch of government need to cooperate with one another. If the State Department does not approve of a trip, their is probably a qualified reason for it. Sen. Bill Nelson really needs to think if his unauthorized meetings are the best for the nation.Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida, a member of the Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, met with Al-Assad after the State Department said that it disapproved of his trip.
The United States has limited diplomatic ties with Syria because of its support of Hezbollah and Hamas, which the U.S. deems terrorist organizations, and President Bush has expressed reluctance to seek help from Damascus on Iraq until the Syrians curb that support and reduce their influence in Lebanon.
Al-Assad "clearly indicated a willingness to cooperate" in controlling its border with Iraq, Nelson told reporters in a conference call following the meeting. The U.S. says foreign fighters often enter Iraq across that boundary.
What do you think?
Size Does Matter
Election 2008 Update
Personally, what I think of the Dems running with that ticket is that they have no shot at winning the Presidency. Voters are looking for moderates Democrats and Republican, both Clinton and Obama are hard line Democrats. Not to mention their both barrier breaking nominees (A women and an African American). Like I have said in the past the states that turned Democrat all of a sudden in 2006 are very likely to turn back into Republican states in 2008.
What do you think?
President Bush Plans Changes for Iraq
• President Bush to hold meetings on Iraq at the Pentagon on Wednesday.
• Military advisers told Bush Iraqi forces need more equipment, funds.
• White House says general direction of policy decided; options still being examined.
Democrats continue to call on President Bush to "demonstrate leadership and change his policy now." I think he has heard the cries of Democrats, however changes in this policy will take sometime to figure out and implement. The changes are scheduled to be announce in early January, I predict that they we won't see changes till the middle of or in the later half of 2007.
Iran's Holocaust Conference
Over past few days I have debated whether or not to discuss the summit that is being held in Iran. Earlier in the day I decided not to blog about it because of my strong bias towards the issue but now as more news came from the conference I decided I had no choice.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a man who MUST be feared by the world. His continuous calls for the destruction of Israel must not be taken lightly but seriously. His disbelief of the Holocaust is insane. He has called it a "fabrication" by Zionist and the West. I would like to tell Ahmadinejad that the Nazi's kept strigent records of who they killed. 6,000,000 Jews died in the Holocaust and now we are allowing a man to use the Jews as scapegoats just as Hitler did in the years leading up to WWII. He is a man who must be stopped.
The Vatican, Germany and the European Commission added their voices Tuesday to others -- such as the United States and Israel -- who have condemned the Tehran meeting. Iran says that this is a conference to allow "researchers" to speak freely on an issue which is punishable by law in some countries.
Ahmadinejad said early "Here you can express your views and exchange opinions in a friendly, brotherly and free atmosphere." Human rights groups frequently number Iran as one of the world's worst violators of free speech, where scores of newspapers have been closed, journalists jailed, access to Web sites blocked and government critics hounded out of the country. (Photo Courtesy of the Associated Press)
What do you think?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
President Bush to Change the Course
Success is a country that governs, defends itself, that is a free society, that serves as an ally in this war on terror.This has been the Presidents "stay the course" motto for several months, what change are we seeing?. These meeting will prove to be pointless if the presidents only listens to what his advisers say, he must hear what they are saying and put something into action. I understand as we all should a complete withdrawal of U.S. troops today is not only an extreme thing to say but an incompetent one as well. We cannot just leave the country in shambles, we must help fix and solve the problems in Iraq. Yes, the Iraqi government needs to continue to take the reigns, however we need to take a supportive role by providing training, extra forces if needed, and an infrastructure until an Iraqi one has been assembled.
Election 2008 Update
The democrats however are looking for someone who can beat the Republicans in 2008. I do not think Obama is that person. Primarily he lacks experience he is only 2 years into tenure as a Senator. As well if the Democrats want to jump over the African American hurdle they need a strong candidate to do it. Personally I do not think he has it in him. I think the democrats should find someone else to run on the ticket and put him as Vice President, that could possibly secure 16 years in office. Figure the President does two terms in office, American will have seen all of Obama's strength and would probably be willing to elect him. However I think the swing states that turned Democrat this past election will turn right back to the Republicans if Obama is the Presidential nomination. (Picture: Courtesy of the
U.S. wants to trade more with China
The Bush administration Monday criticized China's record on opening its markets and said the U.S. would not hesitate to seek economic sanctions if that record does not improve.
Calling China's record "decidedly mixed," U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab released a 100-page report that accused the Chinese of failing to live up to commitments it made five years ago when it joined the World Trade Organization. Reports.
Monday, December 11, 2006
"Death to the dictator."
I think that what happens within a country is very interesting. The reason the American revolution was successful was because it was started within and not by outside sources. Iraq's revolution was started by an outside force and was not driven by a unified people. What we have seen in Iran could be the start of a new revolution, one small group can start it all. What do you think?
President Bush working on Iraq
Following a series of meeting last week, President Bush has scheduled more meetings this week to figure what he should do in Iraq. Bush is piling up strategy sessions on Iraq, aiming to reverse the course of the war and energize his final two years in office.
This weeks agenda:
Monday-Meeting with senior State Department officials-to review political and diplomatic options.
Meeting in the Oval office with historians and generals.
Tuesday-Meeting via video conference with senior military commanders and the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad.
Meeting with Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi in the Oval Office.
Wednesday-Meeting with officials from the Pentagon
All of this weeks and last weeks meeting are set up in anticipation of an announcement scheduled for before Christmas, in which the President will report to the nation what will America role in Iraq be over the next 2 years.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
President Bush News Conference Conference
President Bush said "An Iraq that can govern itself is a noble goal," and blamed continued violence in Iraq on a struggle between extremists and moderates, a day after a bipartisan report said Bush's war policies could lead to chaos in the nation and "time is running out."
"We'll support the democratic government of [Iraqi] Prime Minister al-Maliki as he makes difficult decisions," Bush said.
This all came a day after the Iraq Study group and Robert Gates Secretary of Defense have confirmed that we are indeed losing the war in Iraq and change is needed.
President Bush and Prime Minister Blair Meeting
The meeting of the two leaders came when the Iraq study group has said that we are "running out of time" in Iraq. No official notes of the meeting have come out yet. However if we look at this weeks events including the report, the confirmation hearings and appointment of Robert Gates to Secretary of Defense, and the Presidents meeting this morning, we see that changes are in the process and that the Bush administration has heard the cries of the American public for change in Iraq.
I personally think that the advisers to the President have offered excellent forms of new policy, that could help the U.S. to come out victorious in Iraq. Yes America has indeed lost a lot in this war, but placing a "mission accomplished" stamp on Iraq is necessary for the safety and security of this world.
What do you think?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Iraq Study Group Report Released
Follow this link to see the Iraq Study Group Report in full, expect to see an article about the report later in the day.
Iraq Policy a Failure
Of course the report is only a report. The final decision is left upon the man - President Bush. This report is a further blow to his adamant decision to continue to stay in Iraq until the mission is over. The mission to restore Iraq and take down the insurgency is one the Iraqi's need to solve for themselves. The shortcomings of the US is being taken over by other middle eastern nations. Iran and Syria have both offered their assistance to find a solution to this ongoing Civil War.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Political Cartoon
Cox and Forkum Editorial Cartoons
Income v. Wealth - What's more important?
You may be making 100,000 dollars a year and your grandfather is living off social security, but who is really wealthier? You grandfather is because he's already made his money, and he has land and other assets to serve as insurance. If a depression hits, your grandpa can still chill in Aruba, but you are left scrambling to find a new job.
A study by the UN shows 2% of the world population own 50% of the wealth. "The poorer half of the world barely own 1% of global wealth" (BBC News). Usually studies done on wealth take into account people's income. In this study wealth was determined by assets - land, buildings, animals, investments. Rich people are not always wealthy, once you take their debt into account.
What significance does this serve? It shows how having a high level of wealth in a nation, financial backing is available for business growth. In developing countries where wealth is least prevalent, its hard to generate funds for business investment. It continues to leave them in a cycle of poverty.
As a the US is the highest donor in the world, they are probably contributing more to the poverty than helping them. Money is sent for relief and recovery, but not reform (investment).
Do we intentionally do it? Probably.
Senate Confirmation Hearings are underway.
Today the Senate has begun its confirmation hearing regarding the appointment of Robert M. Gate to the position of Secretary of Defense. He just maybe the breath of new air the White House needs to boost morale. In his hearings Gates has said that "the U.S. is not winning the war" in Iraq, contradicting what the White House has been saying. Asked if he thought the United States was winning the war in Iraq, defense secretary nominee Robert Gates answered with a simple "No, sir." Also Gates affirmed the opinion of Sen. John McCain that we did not enter Iraq with an adequate force to keep the nation stable following the topple of Saddam Hussein's regime. Gates also said:
"Our course over the next year or two will determine whether the American and Iraqi people and the next president of the United States will face a slowly but steadily improving situation in Iraq and in the region or will face the very real risk and possible reality of a regional conflagration."He has not suggested a time-line for Iraq, but has suggested a drastic overhaul of U.S. policy towards Iraq. Gates said that "developments in Iraq over the next year or two" would shape the Middle East and "greatly influence global geo-politics for many years to come."The nominee also told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he was "open to new ideas" regarding policy in Iraq and that "all options are on the table."
Gates in my opinion will become a beacon of hope for success and stability in Iraq, over Secretary Rumsfeld who had shut out new ideas and those on the ground. Gates has said "I welcome the many alternative strategies and tactics proposed by members of Congress and others." He is looking to everyone to come up with plans so that the best once can be used and the U.S. can achieve victory, although that seems glim.
This is a developing story and more will come from the hearings expected to rap up this afternoon and a possible vote of the Senate late this afternoon or early tomorrow.
Iraq is taking the Reigns
Today Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Iraq announced that he would hold a regional meeting. His government will send envoys to neighboring countries to pave the way for a regional conference on ending the rampant violence in Iraq. This is the first steps which the Iraqi government has taken on their own to resolve the issue, just a day before the Iraqi study group releases their report. Maliki told reporters, "after the political climate is cleared, we will call for the convening of a regional conference in which these countries that are keen on the stability and security of Iraq will participate." He also said that the conference will take place in Iraq, and he is now open to help from neighboring countries however the Iraqi government will not tolerate interference from outside forces.
Could this mean that Iraq is taking over their own policy and the U.S. maybe making an exit? What do you think?
Election 2008 Update
Republicans Camp
Sen. Sam Brownback has added himself to the list of possible 2008 contenders. On Monday he created an exploratory committee for a presidential run. He says the he will focus on his conservative tenure as an elected official. "There is a real need in our country to rebuild the family and renew our culture, and there is a need for genuine conservatism and real compassion in the national discussion," he said. I doubt the Republicans will support a nomination such as Brownback because of his conservative platform. Both parties are looking for a middle ground man because in the 2006 mid term election that is who won, not democrats nor republican, the moderates of both sides won and that who the parties are looking towards.
Question have begun to arise surrounding Sen. Hillary Clinton "possible" presidential run in regards to her 'electability'. This term refers to her ability of winning enough swing states to win a Presidential election. Its tough already because most voters are not prepared to have a women president, more so a hard line liberal such as Sen. Clinton. She will not run unless she has an almost definite chance of victory. Which I personally do not see happening, if the Democrats elected another more moderate female their would be a chance.
Like I said earlier Americans are looking to moderates to save our country, both parties must look towards the moderate with in the parties in order to attain victory. Furthermore the parties are no longer looking at who the best is for the job, but who will win.
What do you think? What are your predictions for 2008 Presidential Election?
Gates Goes Before Senate Committee
According to the Washington Post:
The Senate Armed Services Committee this morning opened its confirmation hearing on Robert M. Gates, the former CIA chief and National Security Adviser nominated by President Bush to replace outgoing defense secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
The hearing offers, for many, the first public glimpse of the Senate in action since the November midterm elections, in which Republicans lost control of Congress. It is a window into how aggressive Democratic lawmakers -- many of whom are seeking a phased pullout of troops from Iraq -- may be once they assume the Senate and House majorities in January.
"Iraq should be in a position to solve Iraq's problems"
(Photo:Associated Press/Getty Images)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Man With Balls Wins Election
Hugo Chavez, who has publicly called President Bush "the Devil," has won re-election in Venezuela. His revolution of the country by incorporating socialism has been championed by the people as they voted down challenger Manuel Rosales, a believer in free markets and independence. Chavez has used the country's oil wealth and invested it back in his nation by helping the poor. His multi-billion dollar social program helps to subside food, provide free university education and cash benefits for single mothers.
Chavez's re-election is yet another blow to the Bush administration. The last thing they need is to launch a war on Communism. We have our plates full with Terrorism.
Its all on the table.
According to Stephen J. Hadley the national security adviser to President Bush a "laundry list of ideas" are under consideration by the President. The Washington Post reports that these ideas include those outlined by the Rumsfeld Memo. As well as other plans such as a; partial withdrawal of troops, a redeployment of troops along the Iraqi border, or working with the two political powerhouses in the region Iran and Syria. The Baker Boys' are expected to release their ideas for change in Iraqi policy this week. Their report is also on the table according to Hadley. Hadley also discuss Prime Minister al-Maliki, saying that he "made very clear to the president that he and his unity government want to take more responsibility. That's what we've been seeking for three years." However Hadley does not feel that the Iraqi government and forces are there yet,"they don't have all the tools that they need." The question remain is Maliki suggestion that Iraqi forces will be ready in June accurate or is the Bush administration trying to hold on in order to have control of the region. No matter what happends, I think that Washington will have a hand in Iraq for several years, if not decades to come.
Rumsfeld Memo
What do you think?
Election 2008 Update
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Bush Declares "World AIDS Day"
President Bush declared the world's largest AIDs initiative program by committing 15 billion dollars to support treatment for 2 million people, protect 7 million and care for 10 million people. There are 39 million people currently living with the HIV/AIDS virus. Bush's initiative targets 15 countries in Africa, where about half the world's AIDS cases exist.
Now hear the politics behind it. The plan's strategy calls for emphasizing abstinence, fidelity and condom use. Bush has included a provision specifying 33% of the money be used for emphasizing abstinence. The Democrats claim this is a move to further his conservative ideology and "Christianizing" society. What do you think?
Friday, December 01, 2006
New President of Mexico Takes Office
New President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, took oath in office amid protests by leftist Congressmen claiming he stole the elections. Outgoing President Vincente Fox is still going to play an active role in government as he has been appointed to a cabinet position. Today a fight erupted in Congress between leftist lawmakers and Calderon's conservative counterparts seen live on Mexican television. Calderon says he will uphold the constitution and wants nothing but peace for Mexico.
Why the ruckus over Calderon? Generally placing a conservative in office means the status quo is satisfied with the way society is. Liberals usually take office when change is being demanded. Hence, people who want change fear their cries will be left unheard. We will have to wait and see if Calderon proves to be a better President than Fox.