Republicans Camp
Sen. Sam Brownback has added himself to the list of possible 2008 contenders. On Monday he created an exploratory committee for a presidential run. He says the he will focus on his conservative tenure as an elected official. "There is a real need in our country to rebuild the family and renew our culture, and there is a need for genuine conservatism and real compassion in the national discussion," he said. I doubt the Republicans will support a nomination such as Brownback because of his conservative platform. Both parties are looking for a middle ground man because in the 2006 mid term election that is who won, not democrats nor republican, the moderates of both sides won and that who the parties are looking towards.
Question have begun to arise surrounding Sen. Hillary Clinton "possible" presidential run in regards to her 'electability'. This term refers to her ability of winning enough swing states to win a Presidential election. Its tough already because most voters are not prepared to have a women president, more so a hard line liberal such as Sen. Clinton. She will not run unless she has an almost definite chance of victory. Which I personally do not see happening, if the Democrats elected another more moderate female their would be a chance.
Like I said earlier Americans are looking to moderates to save our country, both parties must look towards the moderate with in the parties in order to attain victory. Furthermore the parties are no longer looking at who the best is for the job, but who will win.
What do you think? What are your predictions for 2008 Presidential Election?
Great post, thank you. I've written about a possible Bloomberg '08 candidacy on my blog at I think with his money and smarts--along with the country's yearning for another alternative to the two party system, it might just work for him.
Bloomberg has no shot at even getting the nomination let alone winning. There are too many "qualified" Republicans in the lining.
As for the Democrats, John Edwards will take another shot at it. Hopefully as Prez n not VP. Hillary will possibly make a good VP, but thats not what she's after.
I happen to agree with the anonymous comment. I think that Bloomberg has no shot of a nomination nor as he made any substantial pass at the possibility. I do no think he is even a possible contender. Thanks for the comments.
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