The Politico Reports:
When Rudy Giuliani faces Republicans concerned about his support of gay rights and legal abortion, he reassures them that he is a conservative on the decisions that matter most.
"I would want judges who are strict constructionists because I am," he told South Carolina Republicans last month. "Those are the kinds of justices I would appoint -- Scalia, Alito and Roberts."
But most of Giuliani's judicial appointments during his eight years as mayor of New York were hardly in the model of Chief Justice John Roberts or Samuel Alito -- much less aggressive conservatives in the mold of Antonin Scalia.
Every person who runs for the Presidency is going to have to say something they don't agree with to get a nomination. This is the reason I am so disillusioned by political parties lately. Good candidates cannot stand by what their heart says because it disagrees with their party's leadership and thus causes a moral dilemma: Is it better to lie to make it to the Presidency so that you can then be true to yourself and make good choices from your conscience (meaning you would also have to backstab in some way all those party leaders that helped you get elected) or is it better to be upfront and hope that people like you enough that the power of party leaders doesn't overshadow your popularity? And unfortunately, the latter is so improbable that ambitious people will have no choice but to talk themselves into choosing the first and then be held by the balls when they realize they can't just contradict what they said in their campaigns.
So do you feel, Reueben, that the Republican Party would rather nominate a conservative that won't win, or a moderate that can keep the White House on their side?
I think that McCain is the viable option, he plays to true blue conservatives as well as moderates. As well out of the top 3 candidates according to polls (Romney, McCain, Giuliani), he is the most capable.
yet Guliani still leads McCain in a majority of the polls...
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