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My view on the impeachment of a President especially this President is that one needs to look beyond today. What I mean is that if we impeach President Bush we will then have President Cheney, who may be worse.
The main issue I have with the impeachment process is that it clearly is a waste of time, energy, and tax-dollars. Congress will spend weeks on this issue rather than focusing on issues that are really going to make a difference.
Impeaching a President who was fairly elected by the people of this country in 2004, in my opinion makes America look weak and unstable.
I have taken a moment to remember what it was like during the process for President Clinton. All I can remember is Anna Nicole (R.I.P) type coverage, this over hyped, MTV style coverage of something that is not going to do anything to change Americas future. It would only help take the focus of the American people away from more important issues, like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
People who say "if George Bush lost in 2004 we would be out of Iraq," first off you cant make a claim like that because it neither true nor false. As well even if an anti-war candidate is elected in 2008, we will only see a change in strategy not a complete withdrawal. This is not a war America and the world can afford to lose.
What do you think?
My view on the impeachment of a President especially this President is that one needs to look beyond today. What I mean is that if we impeach President Bush we will then have President Cheney, who may be worse.
The main issue I have with the impeachment process is that it clearly is a waste of time, energy, and tax-dollars. Congress will spend weeks on this issue rather than focusing on issues that are really going to make a difference.
Impeaching a President who was fairly elected by the people of this country in 2004, in my opinion makes America look weak and unstable.
I have taken a moment to remember what it was like during the process for President Clinton. All I can remember is Anna Nicole (R.I.P) type coverage, this over hyped, MTV style coverage of something that is not going to do anything to change Americas future. It would only help take the focus of the American people away from more important issues, like the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
People who say "if George Bush lost in 2004 we would be out of Iraq," first off you cant make a claim like that because it neither true nor false. As well even if an anti-war candidate is elected in 2008, we will only see a change in strategy not a complete withdrawal. This is not a war America and the world can afford to lose.
What do you think?
Lets put it this way, if President Clinton can get impeached for getting some on the side, then Bush should definately get impeached for misleading a nation into a costly war.
I do agree Cheney is a bad alternative, therefore Bush should be impeached but not removed from office as Clinton was.
If Bush is impeached but not removed from Office, what does that do? That would be an even worse case of wasting time and taxpayer money.
I agree with Reuben in this case. Though many people disapprove of teh job he has done, the American poeple chose Bush - twice. Therefore, Americans now have to live with the President they have chosen, whether they like it or not.
Revelation 13:5 - Are we in this 42 month period?
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