Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blog The Vote- Candidates Woo Firefighters

Yesterday, Sen. Clinton, Sen. Obama, Sen. Biden, and Dodd all spoke to firefighters at the International Association of Fire Fighters(IAFF), Presidential forum.

Both Sen. Clinton and Obama were well received, however the tier two candidates, Biden and Dodd were the stars of this show. Biden and Dodd spoke the language of the over 1,000 white-male attendees, according to one union official they spoke in "red-meat and a six-pack" rhetoric.

Over the weekend, I was able to meet Joe Biden, and I think as second tier candidate I believe he may have a shot if he can fundraise his way to the top tier. He has a lot of great ideas and great passion as a Presidential candidate.

It is important to see that the core of American voters are white-males and that I think will play a very big role. Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama are both candidates that I do not think most white males will continue to open up to. They may look to other candidates like John Edwards and Joe Biden.

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