Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blog the Vote - Edward's is Livin' Large

Senator John Edwards, the potential Presidential Candidate who is running to appeal to poorest people in America, announced his 2008 bid at the very symbolic background of the ninth ward in New Orleans. He certainly could have done it from his home which sits on 100 acres of land just outside of Chapel Hill. As Jay Leno puts it, Edwards can fit "both Americas" in his multi-million dollar, 28,000 square feet home.

Edwards has been criticized by a fellow Democrat who said, "its one thing to be a millionaire, it's totally deaf tone to be using Katrina victims while putting finishing touches on your multi-million dollar mansion." Edwards response, "If you're in public life, people will be critical of you because of the way you walk, because of what you eat, because of the way you talk, like this Southern accent I've got. You know, you can't worry about stuff like that," he told CBS News. Or should you worry?
(Picture: Example only, not his actual mansion)


Anonymous said...

John Edwards is not yet a Presidential Candidate, he is a candidate for the Democratic nomination.

Tanvir Hossain said...

good call, it was an oversight