Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blog The Vote-Where's Hillary?

Since the Presidential hopefuls took a break over the holidays, many have announced their decision to run for president or not. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the leading Democrat has yet to announce her Presidential ambition. Chicago's ABC News Reports:
"A news conference Wednesday by Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to answer whether she will join Senator Barack Obama in launching a possible bid for the White House. Senator Clinton kept the focus on U.S. troops in Iraq. Clinton made no reference to Obama's announcement Tuesday that he has taken the first step towards launching a presidential bid." Read more.
The question on everyones mind is has she made her decision and what will it be? Personally, I believe she has a shot at the Presidency, however she needs to get into the race ASAP. Otherwise Obamamania will continue its cross country tour.

What do you think?

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