Saturday, November 11, 2006

What do you think?

This past week Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging for committing crimes against humanity in the 1982 killings of 148 people in a Shiite Muslim town.

Do you think his hanging should be aired on International TV?


Anonymous said...

I think that it should be televised internationally. A lot of things are shown that should not be shown - such as the deaths of those civilian contractors (I'm not sayin the Hussein had anythning to do with that) I think it would show a message to the terrorists - hey, this could be you if you don't stop.

Anonymous said...

I think that it should be televised internationally. A lot of things are shown that should not be shown - such as the deaths of those civilian contractors (I'm not sayin the Hussein had anythning to do with that) I think it would show a message to the terrorists - hey, this could be you if you don't stop.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not.

Do we really need to further feed mankind's bloodlust?

Anonymous said...

This is already a rallying cry for terrorists, televising it would only contribute to that. I cant think of a single good reason to televise this. Are we living in the middle ages again? Are we barbarians? Just kill him and get his chapter of the history books over with as quit as possible.

Anonymous said...

Though I do not want him to be considered a martyr, I would be indifferent as to wherther or not it was televised. Middle Eastern networks do not see a problem airing beheadings, or other atrocious acts. What is one hanging?