Friday, December 22, 2006

Blog the Vote-Potential Profile: John McCain

The New York Sun Reports:

Two important qualities necessary for a run to the Oval Office are decisiveness and strength of character. In recent weeks, Senator McCain has proven that he has more stock in these traits than most any public official today.

As American fortunes in the battle of Iraq have deteriorated, the senator has forcefully elevated the policy debate by fearlessly offering unpopular advice on how to turn the tide toward victory. In fact, Mr. McCain is several steps ahead of nearly everyone on the subject of this war. At his recent news conference, President Bush said America should expand the size of its armed forces, especially the Army and Marine Corps. Mr. McCain has been saying this for years. President Bush and his high command are now mulling a possible troop-force surge in Iraq. Mr. McCain has been advocating this for quite some time. Read more

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