Friday, December 29, 2006

CNN Reports: Hussein will be hanged "in the next couple of hours"

Many News agencies have been reporting when the execution of the deposed leader will take place. The latest from says:

"Giovanni di Stefano, one of Hussein's defense attorneys, told CNN the U.S. military officially informed him that the former Iraqi dictator has been transferred to Iraqi authorities for his execution and that a "credible source" told him Hussein will be executed "very shortly -- in the next couple of hours."But attorneys for Hussein are seeking a temporary restraining order in a U.S. court to block the former Iraqi leader's execution."
This could very well be delaying the execution, however the Iraqi government is hoping for this to happen swiftly and securely, U.S. forces are hoping for that as well. Any delay could cause an increase in the heightened violence. The U.S. forces in Iraq have been on high alert for the latter part of the week.

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